Dear Craig Conrad,
When I read your book Unstoppable, I was amazed at your life-changing abilities. Hi, my name is Payton Roberts and I live in Rush Springs, Oklahoma. These are just some of the ways your book has changed my life.
I noticed how you helped Donnie be the best he could be and never give up. When I finished reading Donnie’s story, I had no choice but to decide to be the best that I could be. After finishing the story, I knew in my heart that I had the abilities to face people in my lifetime that are going to be bigger, better, faster and stronger.
I had heard the term “fill your glass”, but I have never heard it in the way that you expressed it in the book. I know now that I never really filled my glass all the way. In football this year when we conditioned, I never thought I could run as fast as some of the other kids. I always settled for beating just a few people. I would always say, “Hey, at least I’m not last.”
Sometimes I would just make up excuses because I was diagnosed with a foot disease called Plantar Fasciitis about four years ago. But then I figured out that I was only filling my glass half full. I knew I had an option to have it treated, but I had never really considered it. After reading your book, I knew that fixing the problem would be the only way I could fill my glass. Now, I am back on my feet again and running in front when we do conditioning in basketball.
I remember how you wrote about how alcohol can make you “stoppable.” I understand that well. My step-dad is a heavy alcoholic. He is drunk about three days out of the week. My dad is not the fun or funny kind of drunk. He is the kind who doesn’t remember what he has done when it is all over. Every time he gets drunk he tells me, my mom, and my sister to pack up and leave. We have left numerous times – only to return.
I have worked with him since I read about the phone call in your book. Now he is beginning to overcome his addiction and even though it is hard, he tries.
Sincerely your friend,
Payton Roberts
P.S. Thank you Craig Conrad, for all that you have done in my life. I am so happy that I have a happy family once again.